Urmia Lake is the world's second-largest hypersaline lake. The lake offers special qualities for tourist attractions because of its size, water salinity, climate classification, and geographic location. Building hundreds of luxury hotels, entertainment venues, and tourism hubs on Urmia Lake's marginal lands will be necessary in the case of scientific and moral investment to draw national and international tourists. As a result, the nation may see a surge in revenue reaching billions of dollars. Even if we allocate a portion of this money to the construction of social and recreational infrastructure as well as environmental protection, many jobs will be created, and the region's agricultural population may be drawn to these lucrative jobs that promote environmental conservation. We can also invest a portion of these earnings on the marginal lands of Urmia Lake and in its catchment areas for the prosperity and revival of Urmia Lake by preventing agriculture that harms the environment and the lake's water, which can also allow the farmers to have a respectable income through the lake and its development and prosperity by changing their jobs without causing the slightest harm to the environment.
If sufficient attention is given to the marginal lands' tourist attractions, it will have a major influence on the mentality of the locals and, in terms of cultural and social exchanges, it will have a major impact and contribute to the cultural and social prosperity of the area.