Factors playing a major role in the drying up of Urmia Lake

Effects of water consumption in cities and villages

Every area with water supplies attracts both animals and humans, and freshwater sources are the social hubs around which the first human communities were established. In this sense, water is vital to both human and animal existence.

Given that humans are educable beings, the people in Iran should be informed about the limitations of the water resources, particularly those of the Urmia Lake catchment area, and the best ways to use water should be promoted on social media.

Because of the high population dispersion in the Urmia Lake catchment area, even with minimal conservation efforts, significant water waste in the lake's portion can be avoided. Saving water by us, the residents of Lake Urmia's catchment area, is crucial because, for instance, if 5 million people save one litre of water every day, 5 million litres of water will be saved every day. Urmia is a crucial place.

The following areas of water waste should be removed for the best possible usage of water:

  • Modification of the water distribution system since, as per the regional water officials' report, worn-out distribution systems have left the majority of the water in the networks out of circulation.
  • The use of smart technology in the water production, distribution, and consumption networks, such as the mandatory use of smart taps in homes and offices, etc., as well as the use of the latest technology in the world in the treatment of sewage in cities and villages, and the reuse of water used in the irrigation of trees and plants of different cities and regions, or in the cooling systems of factories such as petrochemical industries, refineries, and iron smelters.strong>
  • Reforming the culture of water use is imperative since Iran uses a lot more energy and water than the global average, based on credible studies. We need to change certain cultures and eliminate others in order to use water as efficiently as possible. When washing one's hands, face, or car, for instance, we should refrain from doing so outside in the garden or alley. We should also refrain from turning on the water tap to its fullest when using it. Instead of raising the price of water to cut down on consumption, the government ought to raise the price of water and use the extra money to fund the advancement of irrigation technology. For instance, the government should install smart taps for free at every home, promote water conservation on TV and other social platforms, and fund water conservation-related educational initiatives in collaboration with schools.
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Effects of water consumption in cities and villages



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